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  • Wild Alaska Blog Image

The Crystal Creek Lodge Blog is a place of possibilities, where you can learn deeper insights into how to explore the tens of millions of acres of wild Alaska surrounding us.  Whether you’re after fishing, wildlife, the perspective of history or simply feeling the awe of being in wide-open spaces, it’s all here. Enjoy the journey. 

A Walk in the Park: Katmai

A Walk in the Park: Katmai

Katmai National Park Fishing The world of Alaska is yours to discover, experience, and cherish. The staff of Crystal Creek Lodge takes pride in opening up that world to you through hospitality, adventure, and interaction with nature. Let’s take a minute to walk together in Katmai National Park to see many of its natural wonders….

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Brown Bear Photo Safari

A Walk in the Park: Katmai

Brown Bear Photo Safari in Katmai National Park & Preserve Bears, Bears, Bears! We are surrounded by millions of acres of roadless, untamed wilderness full of wild Alaska brown bears. The nearby Katmai National Park and Preserve alone holds an estimated, stable population of 2,250.  Without searching for them, the guests of Crystal Creek Lodge often…

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Huge Pacific Walrus Herd in Alaska

A Walk in the Park: Katmai

In a stunning spectacle of nature, this video shows a very large herd of walruses in Alaska. Arctic ice is receding at an alarming rate and the waters of the North Pacific Ocean are the warmest on record. Tens of thousands of walruses have been affected and are “hauling out” on Alaskan beaches in numbers never…

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Kanatak Trail Hike

A Walk in the Park: Katmai

On September 19 five Crystal Creek Lodge guests took a hike and enjoyed the incredible scenery of the Kanatak Trail in the Becharof National Wildlife Refuge.  The Kanatak Trail rises 1000 ft into a pass within the Alaska Peninsula Mountains to connect the Gulf of Alaska and Bristol Bay.  It has been used for thousands…

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