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  • Wild Alaska Blog Image

The Crystal Creek Lodge Blog is a place of possibilities, where you can learn deeper insights into how to explore the tens of millions of acres of wild Alaska surrounding us.  Whether you’re after fishing, wildlife, the perspective of history or simply feeling the awe of being in wide-open spaces, it’s all here. Enjoy the journey. 

Fishing Becharof Creek

Fishing Becharof Creek

Imagine yourself flying across the fourth-largest lake in Alaska. At almost 300,000 acres, Becharof Lake, named after the Russian Naval Captain who traversed it in 1792, is pristine, primitive, crystal clear, and the centerpiece of the Becharof National Wildlife Refuge. A 5000-foot dormant cone volcano, covered in a cap of brilliant snow, flanks its southern…

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An Alaska Fishing Season

Fishing Becharof Creek

2022 Alaska Fishing Season and Adventures with Crystal Creek Lodge While we’ve noticed outdoor clothing, hairstyles, fishing equipment, and even the paint schemes on our venerable Beaver aircraft constantly change during our 35 seasons at Crystal Creek Lodge, some things haven’t; namely the large fish in the photos and the smiling faces behind them. The…

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Ultimate Alaska Dining Experience

Fishing Becharof Creek

The Ultimate Alaska Dining Experience at Crystal Creek Lodge The Alaska dining experience at Crystal Creek Lodge is personal and intimate.  Our goal is to make each guest feel at home, yet excited to try something they may have never tried before. We work with small fisheries, farms, and ranches within Alaska and the Pacific…

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Guest Eye View: Alaska Fishing Lodge Experience

Fishing Becharof Creek

Escape for a moment to the wilds of Alaska with Crystal Creek Lodge’s One Minute Alaska Vacation video.  This video is based on the guest’s view and the guest’s experience. Awaken your senses and enter a world where salmon turn rivers red, rainbow trout and salmon bend rods and peel line, and grizzly bears outnumber…

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Alaska Fishing Lodge Experience

Fishing Becharof Creek

Never Gonna Leave: Alaska Fishing Lodge Experience Connection is an essential component of the Crystal Creek Lodge experience; connection to nature, connection to adventure, and connection to one another through hospitality & fellowship. We thank our amazing guests for following our pre-trip protocols so we could, after sitting on the sidelines, gather together again to…

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Break Free: Catch-and-Release

Fishing Becharof Creek

Catch-and-Release When Crystal Creek Lodge first opened its doors in 1988, we were early adopters of the “Catch-and-Release” policy for native fish such as rainbow trout, char species, and grayling. Despite initial resistance, this practice has proven to be a highly successful conservation strategy, ensuring the survival of fish populations and maintaining healthy fisheries. Now,…

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What Makes You Smile

Fishing Becharof Creek

We could all use something to make us smile right about now. This is a kindly reminder that the best is yet to come and to hang on to what we love & brings us joy in life. Enjoy this minute then, as you go through your days ahead, remember a smile is one of…

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Beaver Fever

Fishing Becharof Creek

“More than anything else the sensation is one of perfect peace mingled with an excitement that strains every nerve to the utmost if you can conceive of such a combination.” –Wilbur Wright The DeHavilland Beaver The hard-working quintessential Alaska bush plane, the DeHavilland Beaver occupies a well-deserved seat of honor in the annals of aviation history –…

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Earthquakes on the Alaska Peninsula

Fishing Becharof Creek

As we are busy preparing the lodge for opening, a series of earthquakes has been shaking the Alaska Peninsula.  We were woke last night to the lodge rolling and shaking to an earthquake of 6.7 magnitude, centered about 100 miles south of the lodge near the Yantarni Salmon Camp.  The Peninsula is essentially a gigantic…

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Father and Son Fishing Trip Nets Big Results!

Fishing Becharof Creek

Glenn and Sam H. from California fished together on the Kvichak River during a beautiful Bristol Bay day, July 4th.  Together they watched thousands of Sockeye Salmon stream by the bank and they caught their limit of five apiece in a matter of a couple hours.  Sam is holding his first fish of the day…

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