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Imagine yourself flying across the fourth-largest lake in Alaska. At almost 300,000 acres, Becharof Lake, named after the Russian Naval Captain who traversed it in 1792, is pristine, primitive, crystal clear, and the centerpiece of the Becharof National Wildlife Refuge. A 5000-foot dormant cone volcano, covered in a cap of brilliant snow, flanks its southern shore.  Becharof Lake is one of Bristol Bay’s salmon-spawning powerhouses and home to prolific populations of fat Dolly Varden char and Arctic Grayling that inhabit the score of fishable creeks flowing into it. Imagine landing at the mouth of one of these little creeks and catching fish after fish after fish… No, wait… you don’t have to imagine; you can watch this One Minute Alaska Vacation and get a taste of the real experience. 

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