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  • Wild Alaska Blog Image

The Crystal Creek Lodge Blog is a place of possibilities, where you can learn deeper insights into how to explore the tens of millions of acres of wild Alaska surrounding us.  Whether you’re after fishing, wildlife, the perspective of history or simply feeling the awe of being in wide-open spaces, it’s all here. Enjoy the journey. 

Fish Need Water!

Fish Need Water!

Best practices to catch, handle, and release fish. High fives for Fish Need Water! Check out some amazing shots of catch-and-release underwater footage of rainbow trout, char, and dollies. Thirty years ago, when Crystal Creek Lodge was founded, it was one of the first Alaskan fishing lodges to fully embrace catch and release, with zero…

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Experience Alaska and the Changes it goes Through

Fish Need Water!

Come along and experience Alaska and the amazing changes that it goes through as the summer season progresses. It’s all about the return of the spawning salmon from the ocean to the rivers and lakes. This major event is to be witnessed and experienced in person, and it is for any wildlife or fishing enthusiast….

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Kick Plastic | Join the Movement

Fish Need Water!

Alongside Orvis and Costa Sunglasses, Crystal Creek Lodge has joined the Kick Plastic campaign, eliminating plastic water bottles from our programs. We have set up a water station where you can refill reusable water bottles that we gift to all our guests. The purpose of our efforts is to keep plastic out of our waterways and…

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September in Alaska with Crystal Creek Lodge

Fish Need Water!

Autumn in Alaska is full of Wonders The best time to visit Alaska depends on many things, but September is always considered a wonderful time of the season. The truth is, this time of year has some special things going for it. Whether it’s for solid fishing, uncrowded adventuring, or amazing sightseeing, you’ll leave blown…

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The Alaska Fishing Lodge Guest Perspective

Fish Need Water!

Check out this months edition of our One Minute Alaska Vacation with footage provide by guests from the 2017 season. Guests at Crystal Creek Lodge are encouraged to share their collected media during their stay. Both images and videos are welcome and are easily uploaded to our media station located in the bar. It’s a…

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The Queen in Search of a King

Fish Need Water!

Miss Rosanna Trestman of Connecticut returned to Crystal Creek Lodge in search of a King Salmon to exceed her personal record of 42 inches, set in 2014, but, alas, she didn’t beat her record, yet she still caught some nice Kings and Sockeye Salmon.  Here is Rosanna with her best King of the week, held…

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Small Stream Rainbow Trout Fishing Heats Up

Fish Need Water!

The streams of Bristol Bay are turning red as the bright-red Sockeye Salmon swims into the gin-clear water.  It’s an amazing sight to see from the window of an airplane flying 500 ft. overhead. The Rainbow Trout are coming out of the lakes to follow the salmon and gorge on their eggs.  The first spawning…

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