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The Crystal Creek Lodge Blog is a place of possibilities, where you can learn deeper insights into how to explore the tens of millions of acres of wild Alaska surrounding us.  Whether you’re after fishing, wildlife, the perspective of history or simply feeling the awe of being in wide-open spaces, it’s all here. Enjoy the journey. 

Heather Has a Ball!

Heather Has a Ball!

Heather Oberholtzer accompanied a party of guests for a tour of the Alaska Peninsula, a tour that included a stop at the walrus cape, a spin around the inside of the Aniakchak National Monument, and a brief stop at a beach on Bristol Bay wherein we found several antique glass fishing floats.  Here are three…

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Father and Son Fishing Trip Nets Big Results!

Heather Has a Ball!

Glenn and Sam H. from California fished together on the Kvichak River during a beautiful Bristol Bay day, July 4th.  Together they watched thousands of Sockeye Salmon stream by the bank and they caught their limit of five apiece in a matter of a couple hours.  Sam is holding his first fish of the day…

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Alaska Guided Duck Hunting

Heather Has a Ball!

Alaska Duck HuntingThe colder weather is bringing the ducks down! The ducks have been flying well on the Naknek River and all of the coastal ponds we have been hunting.  The variety of ducks has been great this year from Mallards to teal and both greater and lesser scaup.  Dan has been flying some trips…

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Want Some Lunch? Shore Do!

Heather Has a Ball!

Alaska Shore Lunch Paul and Jeff H., father and son from North Carolina and Pennsylvania respectively, are smacking their lips as they anticipate delivery of fresh Silver Salmon to their plates.  Paul and Jeff have fished with us several times, but for the first time they did an overnight at Yantarni.  We treated them to…

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A Tale of Two Rainbows

Heather Has a Ball!

Two fish, caught from two rivers, two days apart.  One, a 20-inch fish that lives it’s life year round in a stream far from a lake connection, turns pigmented, spotted, green and bright red from exposure to sunlight.  The other, a 29-inch fish, remains chrome and without pigment from living it’s life year round  in…

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Yantarni Opens, Guests Greeted by a Bunch of Chums

Heather Has a Ball!

Guide Connor Scott is shown holding a Chum Salmon caught by Rick and Lee P. of Phoenix, AZ.  This is Lee’s 24th trip to CCL and his first to Yantarni Salmon Camp.  Rick and Lee went on a day trip.  They and two other guests caught numerous Chums and Pink Salmon within sight of the…

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Naknek River Rainbow Trout

Heather Has a Ball!

Shown are Charles and Mindy of Wasilla, Alaska holding two fat Naknek River Rainbow Trout caught on August 4.  We had a slight weather delay, waiting for the morning fog to burn off before we could fly out.  Charles and Mindy chose to opt out of their fly-out day to spend the day on the…

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Miss Virginia’s Big Day of Small Stream Fishing

Heather Has a Ball!

As the millions of Bristol Bay Salmon begin entering the small streams on their way to spawn, they draw from the lakes and rivers Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden, hungry fish that follow eagerly to await the deluge of eggs about to be dropped by the salmon as they spawn. All of our guests fished…

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