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  • Wild Alaska Blog Image

The Crystal Creek Lodge Blog is a place of possibilities, where you can learn deeper insights into how to explore the tens of millions of acres of wild Alaska surrounding us.  Whether you’re after fishing, wildlife, the perspective of history or simply feeling the awe of being in wide-open spaces, it’s all here. Enjoy the journey. 

Safety, Flying and the Alaska Wilderness

Safety, Flying and the Alaska Wilderness

It’s been one of those drizzly summers. This year, we’ve experienced a handful of “no-fly” weather days, where we won’t fly due to extreme wind, low ceiling, poor visibility or all of the above. This has inspired me to write a little bit about flying, weather, safety, and the unpredictability of our wild Alaskan environment….

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Top 5 Things to See in Becharof National Wildlife Refuge

Safety, Flying and the Alaska Wilderness

Becharof National Wildlife Refuge embraces the largest lake in the National Wildlife Refuge System. Becharof Lake nurtures one of Bristol Bay’s largest sockeye salmon runs, part of the foundation for the regional economy. The Refuge, protecting 1,157,000 acres, also includes an active volcano, unusual geological features, historically significant landmarks, and a federally designated Wilderness. 1….

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The Alaska Fishing Lodge Guest Perspective

Safety, Flying and the Alaska Wilderness

Check out this months edition of our One Minute Alaska Vacation with footage provide by guests from the 2017 season. Guests at Crystal Creek Lodge are encouraged to share their collected media during their stay. Both images and videos are welcome and are easily uploaded to our media station located in the bar. It’s a…

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Reflections on a Fishing Season in Alaska

Safety, Flying and the Alaska Wilderness

Take a few minutes to enjoy some fun images and videos provided by guests during this past 2017 season at Crystal Creek Lodge. This year we added a media station in the bar with an Apple iMac set up for guests to upload their recent images and videos. What we came away with was a…

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