Kick Plastic | Join the Movement

Alongside Orvis and Costa Sunglasses, Crystal Creek Lodge has joined the Kick Plastic campaign, eliminating plastic water bottles from our programs. We have set up a water station where you can refill reusable water bottles that we gift to all our guests. The purpose of our efforts is to keep plastic out of our waterways and the natural environment that we love.
At Crystal Creek Lodge we strongly feel that as guides, a substantial part of our mission is to act as stewards and interpreters of the natural world. Accordingly, we must protect the pristine environment we enjoy here in Bristol Bay, Alaska. And, we must inspire others to protect environments across the world. Whether it’s the threat of large-scale mining, mismanagement of our fisheries, or plastic pollution, our responsibility to the resource is absolute.
We’re asking all sportsmen, guides, and visitors to Bristol Bay, as well as anyone committed to a cleaner earth, to “Kick Plastic”, and help us get plastic out of the environment.
- • The equivalent of a garbage truck of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute.
• Almost all the plastic ever produced is still around.
• 98% of ocean pollution comes from land.
• By 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the ocean (by weight).
• One in four fish tested have plastic in them.