I Am the Walrus/Beachcombing Bingo
A Magic Day

A day of magic with guests Jack and Brad from Connecticut and guests Shari and Judith from Washington. Jack and Brad have been guests of Crystal Creek for over 15 years, and they usually bird hunt and do a little fishing. Shari and Judith love to fish and this is their first visit. We all decided to create a special day of adventure. We flew south along the Alaska Peninsula to see the walrus at Cape Seniavan.
I was their pilot/guide for that two-hour flight filled with dramatic scenery, weather, and wildlife. We landed the wheeled Beaver on the beach sand at Cape Seniavan and walked a short distance over to the walrus. After about an hour of watching the walrus come and go from the crashing surf, we scoured the beach. We found some walrus teeth and an oosik (the penis bone of a walrus). We then took off to do some beach combing on the way back. At a second beach, we had lunch and then located several antique glass ball fishing floats and a Brown Bear skull from a bear that had a huge head.
On the way back we saw bears, moose, and a caribou herd. WE remarked on the racks of huge antlers of several bull caribou and one big bull moose. Things went downhill in a hurry. The remaining ride back was punctuated by good humor. It was developed through bad puns and innuendo relating to the things we found and saw that day. You, a gentle reader of this post, can, with a little imagination, read between the lines and figure it out without my stating the obvious. The riotous laughter continued until we returned to the lodge. And then we danced into the bar hooting and sporting our trophies. Silly, perhaps, but nobody in Alaska had half as much fun as we did that day. Thank you, friends, for a fantastic day of child-like fun and unforgettable adventure.