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  • Good times at Crystal Creek Lodge

We woke today expecting to fly out all the guests.  Duane went to the dock at 5:30 to report the “Black Mamba”, a procession of nose-to tail Sockeye Salmon several thick, were snaking past the dock.  We quickly re-geared all the guests to the Naknek fleet of boats and in short order, all 14 guests had limits of five Sockeye in the bag by 11:00 am.  After lunch at the lodge they all went out King Salmon fishing for the afternoon.  Dick C. of Dayton, OH, was the top rod of the day, catching a 41 inch beauty at about 4:00 pm. Dick has been with us for several years, but this is his biggest catch from the Nak.  Congrats, Dick!

To top the day off, Chef Joe and Chef Brian made an amazing jumbo scallop dish with a pesto and cabbage garnish with chili glaze along side of a chicken and mushroom dish.  I insult both dishes by the simplistic description as they were exquisite.  The dessert was locally grown rhubarb cobbler.   We look forward to another excellent day tomorrow!

Whopper Naknek King
Whopper Naknek King
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